Statelessness Determination Procedure

A stateless person is someone who does not hold citizenship in any country. While some individuals may be stateless from birth, others may become stateless later in life. In Turkey, stateless persons are legally classified as “foreigners.”

The statelessness determination procedure (SDP) is an official process to assess the status of individuals who are not recognized as citizens of any country. In Türkiye, this procedure is conducted by the Presidency of Migration Management (PMM) and the Provincial Directorates of Migration Management (PDMM). This process is essential for determining the legal status of stateless persons, enabling them to access the rights and services provided to stateless individuals.

The statelessness determination procedure is initiated through an application.

If you are stateless, meaning you do not hold citizenship in any country, you can apply to the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management in the province you are residing and request that your statelessness status be determined. The Provincial Directorate of Migration Management will conduct an examination to verify your status. The authority responsible for deciding on your application is the Presidency of Migration Management.

Anyone who claims to not be a citizen of any country can apply for stateless status. This application can be made by individuals who arrived in Türkiye as a stateless person or who lost their citizenship while in Türkiye.

Applications must be submitted in person and cannot be filed through a lawyer or legal representative.

If you hold a stateless person identity document or a stateless person passport issued by another country, you cannot apply for stateless status in Türkiye.

If you have already been recognized as a stateless person by another country, your application for stateless status in Türkiye will not be processed.

When you apply for stateless status, your application will be registered by the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management, and a “certificate of application” will be issued on your behalf.

You do not have to pay any fees or charges for the application certificate. The application certificate serves as a temporary identity document, allowing you to stay in Türkiye legally. The application certificate will remain valid until the Presidency Migration Management makes a decision on your application.

The migration authorities will ask you to provide documents and information proving that you are not a citizen of any country. If you are unable to provide such documentation, the provisions of the nationality legislation of your previous country of residence may be accepted as evidence of your statelessness.

Where necessary and appropriate, the Presidency of Migration Management may request information and documents from your former country of nationality. If no document demonstrating your statelessness can be provided, the migration authorities will conduct the necessary research and investigation based on your declarations. Your personal information will be protected in accordance with confidentiality principles and will only be accessible to authorized authorities.

While applying, you are required to submit any documents that prove your identity and statelessness. This may include old passports, denaturalization certificates, birth certificates, and other official documents from your previous countries of residence.

It is crucial that you provide all the information and documents you have to the authorities in accordance with the principles of honesty and truthfulness.

A statelessness determination interview is a one-on-one interview with migration officials at the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management where you submitted your application.

The purpose of the interview is for you to explain in detail your claims of statelessness. During this interview, you are expected to describe why you are not a citizen of any country and why your citizenship ties have been severed or never existed.

At the end of the interview, a report is prepared by the interviewers and sent to the Presidency of Migration Management, including their opinions on the application.

It is a legal obligation to schedule an interview within 15 days of your application being registered. However, depending on the workload of the Provincial Directorates of Migration Management, this period may vary. You will be informed about the date and time of the interview.

Failure to attend the interview without a valid excuse may result in a prolonged process or invalidation of your application.

If a situation arises that prevents you from attending the interview, you should notify the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management where you submitted your application and request that the interview be rescheduled for another date.

During the interview, the applicant will be asked questions about their identity, including which country they were or could have been a citizen of in the past, why their citizenship ties were severed or never existed, and whether they have the possibility to regain their lost citizenship.

Additionally, information about the migration process, such as how and by which means the applicant entered Türkiye, whether they have relatives in the country, and how they make a living, may also be requested. Providing accurate and complete information during the interview is vital for the evaluation of your application.

The Provincial Directorates of Migration Management collect the information and documents related to the applicant’s statelessness status and then send them to the Directorate General of Migration Management, which is the authority responsible for deciding on the application.

The Presidency of Migration Management examines the accuracy and consistency of the information regarding the applicant’s situation. Legally, applications must be finalized within 90 days, but this period may be extended depending on the workload. Necessary measures are taken to ensure the deadline is kept as short as possible.

If the information, documents, or statements collected regarding the applicant’s stateless status are found to be sufficient and credible, the applicant’s statelessness is officially recognized. In this case, the applicants will be issued a “Stateless Person Identity Document.” This document contains a foreigner identification number starting with 99. The Stateless Person Identity Document establishes the person’s legal status in Türkiye and enables them to benefit from certain basic rights. It also allows the person to stay in Türkiye legally. No fees or charges are required from stateless persons for this identity document.

Persons determined to be stateless and holding a Stateless Person Identity Document have the right to reside legally in Türkiye. The Stateless Person Identity Document serves as a substitute for a residence permit.

Holders of this Identity Document can also apply for other residence permits if they meet the requirements. Additionally, Stateless Person Identity Document holders have the right to apply for a work permit and a foreigner’s passport, receive education, and benefit from health services by being included in Türkiye’s social security system.

The Stateless Person Identity Document provides protection against deportation. Persons determined to be stateless and in possession of a Stateless Person Identity Document may not be deported from Türkiye unless they pose a serious threat to public order or public security.

The Stateless Person Identity Document does not replace a passport for international travel. It allows you to reside in Türkiye, but you will need a valid travel document to travel to another country. In this case, you can apply for a foreigner’s passport.

Yes, holders of a Stateless Person Identity Document are entitled to receive education in Turkey. This right extends to public schools from primary level through to university. Additionally, you may be eligible for scholarships and education grants under certain conditions.

Holders of a Stateless Person Identity Document can access healthcare services through the General Health Insurance system. You can receive medical care from hospitals throughout Türkiye.

Holders of a Stateless Person Identity Document may apply to bring family members to Türkiye under certain conditions through family reunification.

For more information on family reunification, please contact the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management.

Holders of a Stateless Person Identity Document may apply for citizenship in Türkiye if they fulfill specific conditions. These include legally residing in Türkiye for a continuous period of five years, demonstrating a commitment to settle in the country, speaking Turkish, maintaining good moral character, and not posing a health risk or a threat to national security or public order.

The time spent holding the Stateless Person Identity Document is included in the calculation of one’s duration of residence. Once the citizenship application is approved, the individual acquires Turkish citizenship, and their stateless status is officially terminated.

The Stateless Person Identity Document remains valid as long as the individual’s stateless status continues and is renewed every two years. It stays in effect until the person’s stateless status is officially terminated. If the individual acquires citizenship in any country and thus ceases to be stateless, the Stateless Person Identity Document becomes invalid.

A Stateless Person Identity Document may be revoked in two scenarios. The first occurs if it is later discovered that the individual provided false information or forged documents in their application for stateless status.

The second arises if a deportation order is issued because the individual poses a serious threat to public order or security. In these cases, the Stateless Person Identity Document will be revoked. Revocation of the document means that the person is no longer recognized as stateless and loses the associated rights.

If your application is rejected, you have the right to appeal the decision to the competent administrative court in Ankara by filing an annulment lawsuit. This process allows you to seek a judicial review and request reconsideration of the decision through legal channels.

If your application for stateless status is not accepted in Türkiye, you may apply for stateless status in another country. However, you must comply with the procedures and legal regulations of that country. If you are recognized as stateless elsewhere, your application in Türkiye will become invalid.

Refugee Rights Turkey (RRT) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that offers free legal information and support to individuals seeking protection in Türkiye. We provide guidance on relevant procedures and access to rights and services. Independent of all Turkish institutions, including migration authorities and United Nations agencies, Refugee Rights Turkey ensures impartial assistance.

You can contact us at +90 850 218 48 30 on weekdays from 9:30 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 17:30. Our expert team can provide assistance in Turkish, English, French, Arabic, and Farsi, addressing any questions you may have about your situation, including the application for stateless status and determination procedures.

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